Пошто прочитате предложену литературу и изворе према властитом избору, свој одговор на питање које су основне тезе oдабраног/их аутора о оптималном теоријском и методолошком приступу истраживању моћи, политике, државе и друштвених покрета, унесите у овај форум у облику нове теме за дискусију.
After you read suggested literature and other sources according to Your own choice, your answer which are the main theses of the selected author/s on the optimal theoretical and methodological approach to the research of power, politics, state and social movements, introduce into this forum in the form of a new theme for discussion.
After you read suggested literature and other sources according to Your own choice, your answer which are the main theses of the selected author/s on the optimal theoretical and methodological approach to the research of power, politics, state and social movements, introduce into this forum in the form of a new theme for discussion.