Milfs Hotties And Pseudo Sex-Pots

The woman in the picture to the right, is afflicted with a bad case of “Yay Look At Me” syndrome. Notice exhibit A, the barely there shredded spandex crop top with the words “Dirty Whore” splayed across her fake breasts. Tasteful no?

Then comes exhibit B, where she is allowing herself to be photographed displaying such skanky aptitude, thus setting in digital stone around the globe the image she wants everyone to see, including that of her future grandchildren. The image that she is a dirty whore in urgent need of attention and 5 minutes of fame. After all, whores can’t get enough attention. At least not the right kind.


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She is at least my age of around 33, and she still suffers from Infantile Mad Hag Disorder, which most of us grow out of when we reach mature adulthood (if we’re ever unfortunate enough to have it). I’ve dressed badly back in my day (I must say however, not this badly) and I remember very clearly how worthless it felt to be pointed at and made fun of because I was walking around with the same kind of rubber bands barely covering my nipples and my buttcheeks.

I had all the make up, all the clothes and all the attitude. And the only kind of attention I got was negative attention. From douches, to SCORES of dirty old men, to sleazy pigs who offered me money for sex. After all, you’re dressed up like a street walker, and if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then my friends, it’s a duck. Assumptions aside, the woman in this picture knows exactly what she’s doing. And if she doesn’t at her age, she needs professional help. I learned my lesson early, the hard way.

Women today have to label themselves and their sexuality for the entire world, and they feel it necessary to scream it loudly in the faces of people with zero compunction. They pose for skanky pictures and call themselves models, and they have to shove their bodies into clothes that don’t fit or flatter and announce to everyone they’re “hot”.

Please. Pose for some pictures with a close up and emphasis on your face, like real models do, then we’ll talk.

They are self-proclaimed MILFs, sexy babes, hotties, etc. Every time you turn on the television, there’s always some skank pushing the words “hot and sexy” and it has become a tag line to sell everything, from phony self-images to car covers to Ramen Noodles. You’re not buying the right kind of “whatever” unless it’s hot or sexy.

To me, to be undeniably sexy was always an unspoken thing. It wasn’t something you had to explain and you didn’t have to wear clothes that should be used as tourniquets or tow straps for it to be known.

Either you got it, or you don’t and it isn’t something you can buy or emulate. In fact, for the people who have it, it’s as effortless as putting your pants on one leg at a time. EVERYONE AROUND THEM KNOWS IT.

You should never have to utter the word “sexy” in reference to yourself except behind closed doors (with a man who loves you), where being sexy actually means something.

Here’s why you aren’t sexy, no matter how much ass you’re laying out on the table:

You’re naive and inexperienced or you’re stupid and in total denial.

For women to play up the sex thing to the extreme is the result of two things- you’re either too young and naive to know that your behavior is ridiculous, or you’re too old and unable to accept that you aren’t as hot as you were before. The first scenario can be forgiven and should be because to be young is a trial and error period, but to be older and hopefully “with it” to some degree is inexcusable. Trying to recapture your youth by dressing like you did when you were 17 when you’re 37, is a farce that makes you look like an ass.

It matters not if you have the body, if you have the guts, or the plastic surgery. It’s time to effing grow up and be comfortable enough with yourself that you shouldn’t have to prove a damned thing to anyone. Walking around like a two-dollar whore only proves that you are one, or that you’re aspiring to be one. A 22 year-old body clothed in tweeny clothes, with pig tails hanging around a 37-year old face looks pathetic. You’re still 37, no matter how easily you can squeeze into a girls size 14, how much Saran wrap you use around your rear end or how much collagen you inject.

For the younger ones, take a load off. Try covering up and leaving something for these guys to conjure up in their minds. When you show them everything you’ve got, there’s nothing left to discover, body wise or mind wise. Dressing like a skank doesn’t make you any more rectifying than seeing bird crap obscuring the letters on a street sign reading “STOP”. If anything, you’re giving the go ahead to let people judge you and believe you me, they are. They’re objectifying you and wondering just how “dirty” you can be.

You’re having to resort to using labels.

People who have to brag about their “credentials” are always lacking in some way and they know it. Whether it comes to being a bonafide expert in their chosen field, to having money, to being a lady. A person who has to remind everyone who they are and what they represent, represents the opposite of what they’re trying to portray.

Calling yourself a MILF, saying that you f*ck like porn star, and that you give the best blow jobs out of anyone on the entire eastern seaboard doesn’t make you anything but a love-starved, desperate little girl, who is dying to get in where she fits in. And that’s what she’s desperately trying to do, FIT IN. And guys aren’t trying to fit into anything concerning you except which of your wet openings is the most accessible.

The current trend “excuses” being a second hand trashy skank and acting like a nasty broad who makes a career out of being a freak. Girls and women everywhere are trying to be that because it’s everywhere around us. Just because it is, doesn’t mean it’s admirable or respectable. When you choose to play up your sexuality instead of other important qualities, that’s where you stand, period. Everything else you try to do is pointless because a skank is a skank is a skank. You may be brilliant, talented, kind, and charitable, and really physically beautiful, but you’re still a skank.

Why don’t you just try being yourself and letting your sexuality reveal itself when it’s supposed to? Like on your honeymoon, or after the kids have gone to sleep, or when you’re making love to him for the first time. Is it really necessary to act like a hyper-sexual slut ALL THE TIME?

Being sexy isn’t about having sex and it isn’t about dressing like a whore and inviting people to look at you beratingly and sexually. It’s about being confident enough to know that it’s EXPLOSIVE when you let it happen at the right time, away from the eyes of those who don’t deserve to and aren’t supposed to see it.

Try being sexy by not trying.

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