The Essence of Femininity

Be All the Things You Want In a Partner

Look for Green Lights When Choosing a Partner

The Amorality of Seduction Techniques

How to Choose Your Marriage Partner

Hoping For Those Three Little Words

Learning to Swim in the Deep End

Swiping the V-Card

The 6 Signs You’re Not Over Your Ex

Chastened A Contemporary Cautionary Tale

This is just a friendly reminder as we head into the holidays. Another PSA: Pillsbury ready-to-bake cookies are equally as delicious as the kind you bust your ass to make, so don’t be embarrassed about bringing them as your contribution to the meal. Those things are GOOD.

Today is my two-year single anniversary. My single-versary, I guess you could call it. I sort of figured it was coming up, but then I logged onto Timehop and saw a bunch of vague, semi-emo posts and I was like, “Ahhh, yep. There it is.” Being single for a long time has its depressing moments, I won’t deny that. That little voice in your head can start to get to you on a Sunday evening when you’re lonely, maybe, or when you see another engagement announcement on Facebook. But instead of thinking to myself, “Holy sh*t I’ve been single a long time. Is there something wrong with me?” I prefer to look at the positives associated with these past two unattached years. These include:

I’ve learned so much: About myself. About dating. About what I’m looking for in a relationship. All of it. I can honestly say I’ve learned more in the past two years than at any other period in my life.

I’ve gotten through some really, really crappy moments on my own and feel stronger because of it: There have been times when I’ve totally felt the solitude of being single. When I had the stomach flu, for example, or on holidays like New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day. Or when there’s a huge bug leering at me in my kitchen. But I got through these times on my own and I’m proud of that.

Related tags: 22, About Ego Being Shy And The Inner Judge, Milfs Hotties And Pseudo Sex-Pots