Oral exam: 50 points
Students will prepare a text or texts (e.g. book chapters, papers published in academic journals, or other texts aimed at students or professionals in the field; preferably published since 1990) for reading, oral translation and discussion.
The text(s) - originally written in English by a native speaker - should be from the student’s discipline (pedagogy and andragogy students may choose a text from the field of psychology), and should be interesting and/or useful to the student.
There should be no existing published translation of the text(s) into Serbian/Croatian, etc.
The language level (vocabulary, syntax) should be in line with the student’s language proficiency and the grade they are aiming for.
The text(s) should be approximately 40 pages long. • Tables, graphs, illustrations, references etc. should not be counted towards the total number of pages, i.e. they should be subtracted from the page count. • The ‘standard’ number of characters per page is 3,000-3,500. If the number of characters is smaller, students will be asked to prepare additional pages; if it exceeds that number, they will prepare fewer than 40 pages. • If the length of the chosen papers/chapters falls short of the required number of pages, part of another text can be added to make up the required number. • No more than three different texts/chapters should be combined towards the total number of pages. • Students aiming for a pass grade (6) may prepare 30 pages of text.
The text(s) must be shown to me in person (after class or during office hours) or sent to me via e-mail for approval by March 1.
Students are required to make 2 copies of the text(s) and bring them to the exam. They can make notes on one of the copies while studying for the exam, while the other copy should not have any writing on it.
N.B. Students are NOT required to produce a written translation of the text(s).