Пошто прочитате предложену литературу и изворе према властитом избору, свој одговор на питање које су основне онтолошке, епистемолошке, истраживачко стратешке и истраживачко техничке поставке теорије и метода код тумачећих и интеракционистичких теоретичара друштва, унесите у овај форум у облику нове теме за дискусију.
After you read suggested literature and other sources according to Your own choice, your answer to the question which are the main ontological, epistemological, research strategical and research technical theses of interpretative and interaction researchers of society, introduce into this forum in the form of a new theme for discussion.
After you read suggested literature and other sources according to Your own choice, your answer to the question which are the main ontological, epistemological, research strategical and research technical theses of interpretative and interaction researchers of society, introduce into this forum in the form of a new theme for discussion.
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