Evropska umetnost baroka i rokokoa
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M. Timotijević, Barok kao stilska i istorijska kat...
01. Definicija baroka
R. Wittkower, Art and arhitecture in Italy 1600 to...
R. Wittkower, Art and arhitecture in Italy 1600 to...
R. Wittkower, Art and architecture in Italy 1600 t...
R. Wittkower, Art and architecture in Italy 1600 t...
R. Wittkower, Art and architecture in Italy 1600 t...
R. Wittkower, Art and architecture in Italy 1600 t...
R. Wittkower, Art and architecture in Italy 1600 t...
R. Wittkower, Art and architecture in Italy 1600 t...
R. Wittkower, Art and architecture in Italy 1600 t...
R. Wittkower, Art and architecture in Italy 1600 t...
R. Wittkower, Art and architecture in Italy 1600 t...
02. Realizam i klasicizam
Simon Schama's Caravaggio broadcast on BBC
03. Strasti duše
Papska Bazilika Svetog Petra u Vatikanu - virtueln...
04. Iluzionizam
Chiesa del Santissimo Nome di Gesù all'Argentina ...
05. Vreme, prostor, svetlost
Santa Maria della Vittoria - cappella Cornaro, vir...
06. Amblematika
The English Emblem Book Project
Iconologia del cavaliere Cesare Ripa, perugino (1764)
07. Žanrovi
08. Bel composto; Efemerni spektakl.
Le Roi danse 1/14
Jean Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) - Marche pour la c...
I - Philip M. Soergel, Editor, The Age of the Bar...
II - Philip M. Soergel, Editor, The Age of the Ba...
III - Philip M. Soergel, Editor, The Age of the B...
01. Rokoko Definicija
Michael Levey, Rococo to revolution, I - II
Michael Levey, Rococo to revolution, III - IV
Michael Levey, Rococo to revolution, V - VI
Wallace Collection
Musée Nissim de Camondo
Voltaire, Micromégas p. 73 - 86.
02. Vato, Buse, Fragonar
Louvre, Salle Boucher, virtual tour
Pavle Vasić, Beleške o Vatou, Umetnički pregled, B...
03. Moralno slikarstvo (Šarden, Grez, Hogart)
The National Gallery, London, virtual tour, Room 3...
Tous les matins du monde, (1991) Alain Corneau
Casanova (1976) Federico Fellini
Cross-cutting Identities: William Hogarth (1697-17...
Kate Grandjouan
04. Pejzaž
S. Brajović, T. Bošnjak, Imaginarni vrtovi Ibera Robera
Chiswick House Gardens
05. Venecija
Piazza San Marco, Venezia - virtual tour
Fondazione Musei Civici Venezia
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana Venezia
The Venetian Villas in the Garden of Venice
Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Antonio Vivaldi, Stabat Mater (1711.) - Philippe ...
Vivaldi, Vedro con mio diletto (opera “Il Giustin...
Carnevale di Venezia 2011.
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Opšta obavezna literatura
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Opšta obavezna literatura
Vuk Dautovic
- Thursday, 22 March 2012, 09:11 PM
Opšta obavezna literatura:
Wittkower R., Art and Architecture in Italy 1600 to 1750, Harmondsworth 1958.
M. Levey, Rococo to Revolution, London 1966.